Friday 12 November 2021


I used a social media site called Pinterest to help create identify our film opening's social groups, themes, issues and locations. I then was able to have a clear visual interpretation of these different categories which helped when it came to the construction of our film opening. 

Themes: The series of pictures that I collected from Pinterest for the 'themes' mood board are meant to represent how the world has been plunged into darkness due to the lack of energy. There was a need to imply a slight apocalyptic feel

Social Groups: There are two contrasting social groups in our film opening: a young, struggling scientist and a well-off, wealthy individual. Therefore, I tried to fill the mood board with these contrasting social groups. 

Issues: the main issues our film opening highlights is the effect of global warming and the rush for scientists to discover knew ways to provide clean energy. 

Location: helping to represent the contrasting social groups, there are two main locations in our film opening. A well furnished, wealthy appearing room/hallway in which the rich individual takes residence. Whilst the scientist can be seen in a dark office space, the lack of light or expensive furnishing illustrates his lack of wealth compared to the other character. 

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 Finlay Williamson 1986 My group consisted of Ruby 1996 and I. We were set to follow a brief which consisted of making the titles and open...