In order to reach my target audience, I needed to identify who they were, what their media needs were and how I would reach them. Therefore I created an audience profile. I based my profile on how other brands such as Bauer Media, NME and Sky define their audiences.                                                                         

I learnt from Kezia Williams of Entertainment One and put together my own comp list, consisting of three films that I would regard to follow similar themes and that my target audience might also enjoy:

I learnt from Kezia Williams about how distributors market films to reach similar target audiences and researched how my comparable films were marketed by distributors. 

The three comparable films for my film opening are not upcoming or newly released films meaning some of the marketing strategies, such as websites, social media channels or posters, have been taken down.

Large distribution companies can create successful large scale marketing campaigns in a number of ways such as:
  • Film trailers
  • Film posters
  • Film websites
  • Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tic Toc and YouTube. 
  • Cross promotion/ product tie-ins such as Heineken and James Bond or BMW and Marvel
  • News articles
  • Red carpets and award ceremonies
  • Interviews

Film posters are used to promote the movie and increase the public attention towards the film. Black Panthers film posters clearly illustrates the film's African cultured theming, whilst also taking inspiration from other Marvel movie posters. Therefore, the poster not only informs the public that it is a Marvel movie, but also its main themes of African culture and the Black Panther. 

The film trailer is important, as audience members get a taste for the film's storyline. This means trailers create hype around the film and make audiences want to see it. Usually a teaser trailer would be released before a main trailer, this is to further increase the hype and buzz around the film. Black Panther's film trailer is edited in a way that reminds us that it is a Marvel film, whilst also being fairly fast paced which illustrates its a superhero film. Voice overs of different characters talking help to link at storyline, whilst snippets of action bring hook the audience. 

In order to gain notice a film may gain its own social media sites and websites. This is an example of modern distribution method and is effective due to low cost and easy to reach an audience. Black Panther has their own website, which links to Marvel's official website, this helps potential audience members to see merch, cast, behind the scenes and various other factors that would help with the recognition of the film. Marvel was also effective in using social media to promote Black Panther by creating their own channel as well as various hashtags such as #BlackPantherSoLit, which helped to spread recognition of the film quickly and on a wide scale. 

Due to Marvel (owned by Disney) being a large scale Studio, they can afford large scale advertisement and cross promotion. For example, Black Panther and Lexus teamed up in an advertisement, which helped to boost recognition for both the film and car company. Black Panther was also advertised during the Super Bowl and NBA Finals, which very large sporting events seen by millions of viewers. In addition, the NBA is likely to have a predominantly black audience, which is the specific target audience for this Marvel film. The red carpet also saw people dress in African themed clothing, which helped to carry on the cultural theme of the film. 

My film CHAIN REACTION is a micro budget film. I looked at how Mark Jenkin's film Bait was distributed. From Bait's film website I learned about the film festivals it was screened at, how it can be viewed, what its marketing materials were, its USP etc.

From reading the ICO (Independent Cinema Office) website, I learnt about the different aspects of self-distribution and how I could apply them. 

I could pitch to cinemas directly which would mean I would have to produce my own film materials (DCPs), marketing materials (such as posters, trailers, stills, social media assets ect.) and book and pay for advertisement. 

I could also hire a PR company that would ensure the national film press see my film in advance and review it on the day of release. I should also certify my film with the BBFC, hold exhibitor screenings for cinemas (or give them an online preview screening link) and sell the film to cinemas. In order to do this I must easily display why my film will attract an audience and therefore is worth showing at cinemas. 

I would gain visibility for my film through advertisement, festival exposure, reviews and word of mouth

Following Mark Batey's advice, I would identify why my film is unique and what will drive an audience to see it. I could help gain exposure through relating events to my film, such as Black History Month or World Science day, create stories for the press evolving around my film, use social media in creative ways and so on. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Your Creative Critical Reflection response to question 2 shows sophisticated technical skills in this Canva, with a beautifully organised creative approach to create reflections which sophisticatedly engage the audience. Very high level of detail, offering insightful critical comments on your own product, fully supported with a wide range of examples.



 Finlay Williamson 1986 My group consisted of Ruby 1996 and I. We were set to follow a brief which consisted of making the titles and open...