Wednesday 15 September 2021


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'Napoleon Dynamite' opens and displays around 30 titles, shown in different ways that help to portray the movies themes on 'rural' life and childish nature. For example, portrayed through writing using ketchup or on a school ID card. The camera is framed the same throughout the opening, medium close up and bird's eye view, occasionally an object would be drawn closer to the camera, becoming a close up. This locked in camera style helps reinforce the symmetry of the opening sequence, which in turn hints at the character's own personality, that they might be neat and tidy. 

The sequence prioritises images of different items laid upon different material backdrops, mostly being carbet that would become a different colour as a new credit (or prop) was brough onto screen. The images of neatly laid out slighly basic meals, such as burger and chips or fish finger and peas, gives the conclusion that the character is young or meant to be throught as being young. Whilst the school ID card reinforces this as well as presenting a possible setting this movie might take place in. The toy cars and childish drawings further help to illustrate the age of the main character, whilst the use of having a hand (assumingly the main character's) bring the different props/items onto screen helps to link the ideas and themes we are presented with. The genre is also illustrated through the use of tabletop photography, as it helps to astablish the scale of this movie, we do not get the idea that this is a large blockbuster but instead a smaller more grounded, lower budget film. Moreover, the audience start to understand that this movie is likely to be a comedy, due to the way in which the credits are presented and the childish colours. The editing and transitions are ordely and the same until the very end, the item would come into view, then be taken out, there would be a quick transition which is portrayed through the material backdrop changing colour or texture. This gives a fairly Wes Anderson style, which could intrige audiences that take interest in his unique style. It could also pull in younger audiences due to the films topic on school as well as the character's supposed age. 

The sequence opens with non-diegtic sound in the form of bird song, when the production companies' credits are presented. This gives the first impression that the movie might take place on a camping trip or out in the open, as well as establishing the nature of the film as being light hearted. This is then followed by simple song, a singer and guitar, which helps to enforce the happy nature of the movie. 

The titles end through the character hastely and over agressivly placing the top half of the burger bun ontop of the rest, followed by a non-diagetic smirk. The fact that the burger is finish helps to symbolise how the sequence has ended in an abrupt and comedic manner. The editing helps to illustrate this further, by cutting to black ubruptly as the top half of the burger comes down on the bottom half. The use of a sound effect in the form of a smirk brings the theme of children back into the picture, reminding the audience what this film is likely to be about before the character is fully introduced.

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 Finlay Williamson 1986 My group consisted of Ruby 1996 and I. We were set to follow a brief which consisted of making the titles and open...