Thursday 30 September 2021


1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences? There are 9 titles in total during the opening of the film, including credits such as 'Sweet Sixteen' which notify to the audience that this is a Ken Loach directed film. Moroever, the credits also state how the film is a mutlicultural production through presenting the different co-production companies. 

2. What images are prioritised in the opening sequence? The film opens with a night club, that can be seen to contain different races dancing with each other. This is followed by an establishing shot of Glasgow, panning over the city complex. Then we are introduced to the father's shop, where we are shown a various dogs peeing on his shop sign. One of the backdrop in the night club is a Bollywood film, which portrays a scene of love, but due to the how Bollywood never has intemate scenes, this symbolises the two characters will come into a block that does not allow them to fully be toegether.

3. What connotations do the images carry? The night club carries the connotation of being free and happy, shown through the mixed races enjoying time together with segregation. Whilst the establishing shot of Glasgow helps to introduce the setting. The father's shop helps to ground the film back into reality, introducing the hardship of being having a different background to the typical Glaswegian. The choice of a 'bulldog' peeing on the shop's sign is very symbolic of the steriotypical 'British' verses the people with a different heritage, this is because the 'bulldog' is often interpreted as a symbol of Britain. 

4. How is the genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? The genre of the film is romantic comedy. The romantic side of the film is potrayed through the two main characters, the son or older brother and the music teacher, who have a love for each other. Whilst the comedy value is respresented through the dogs peeing on the shop sign. 

5. How does the film establish an enigma from the outset? The film establishes an enigma through the love of two characters that share different backgrounds. The older brother is a Muslim and his life is shown to be set up already, presented through a scene that sees the family planned an extention for the brother. Whilst the music teacher is from a Catholic background. This creates an engima or problem as it would be difficult to convice their families to allow them to get together. 

6. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? The film has a wide target audience, including Pakistani's, Glaswegians, working class and maybe younger teenage audiences. The use of Bhangra music and Pakistani actors would appeal towards the Pakinstani audience. Whilst the choice of setting the film in Glasgow would appeal towards the Glaswegian as well as the working class, due to the choice of place in Glasgow. Lastly, the choice of young actors would appeal to the younger target audience. 

7. How has technology been used effectively? The use of camera movement helps to create the illusion of freedom, shown through the loose camera movement in the night club. Whilst the ultra wide, bird's eye view, shot that pans over Glasgow helps to establish the setting. The use of a POV from the older brother looking through the window into the music room at the teacher, helps to further enforce and increase the impact of the character's love. The use of Bhangra music that carries on playing throughout the cuts to the establishing shot and the shot of the father's shop, helps to root the film to its culture themes as well as symbolises the diversity in Glasgow. 

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 Finlay Williamson 1986 My group consisted of Ruby 1996 and I. We were set to follow a brief which consisted of making the titles and open...